远程监控预测系统OnWatch Scout
OnWatch Scout客户体验分享
10 am CET | 11 am EEST | 4 pm SGT
加入我们,听听我们的客户MMA Offshore对OnWatch Scout的使用体验和他们对未来的雄心。
研讨会由麦基嘉市场传讯总监Robin Thuillier主持,MMA Offshore技术总经理Glenn McPhee和麦基嘉数字解决方案总监Bhavik Thakker将参与讨论。

2022 SMART4SEA 技术奖
我们很骄傲,我们的客户和Safety4Sea认可并将技术奖授予我们开发的Onwatch Scout远程监控预测系统,它可为关键任务设备提供基于状态的预测性维修解决方案。
可在本页查看更多关于OnWatch Scout的详细信息。
OnWatch Scout让船东和运营商扩大作业范围,将船队的收入潜力和效率最大化。
- 扩大设备作业范围,并将非计划停工时间降至最低
- 监控组件状态,并预测潜在的关键故障
- 通过测量使用和状态,优化计划维护周期

OnWatch Scout增加了船到岸的信息流,并将被动支持模式转为了主动支持模式。运行数据在监控状态下直接从船上输出,进行分析后用于提供性能指导:
- 分析数据,迅速识别并隔离问题
- 检测操作人员错误,识别不正确的维护
- 帮助工作人员找到故障部件
- 指导工作人员完成有难度的作业和维修流程
- 升级软件和微调功能
网络研讨会回放 | OnWatch Scout: 工作原理
Thursday 27 May 2021
OnWatch Scout (OWS) is a condition monitoring and predictive maintenance application developed in collaboration with customers that leverages our strong technical and operational knowledge. OWS improves the uptime of MacGregor equipment and, at the same time, is opening new possibilities in the provision of remote services & support for our customers.
Join us to explore how OWS can assist you in managing your equipment uptime.

网络研讨会回放 | OnWatch Scout: 全面解决您无人应答的需求
Tuesday 1 June 2021
MacGregor has worked in partnership with customers over many years to enable and support reliable cargo handling operations.
Business needs change and technologies evolve, with the demand for more efficient and predictable operations being driven by increasing financial, regulatory and Covid related pressures and constraints.
Join this webinar to learn more about how we connect mission critical equipment and share our expertise to offer new ways of collaborating and responding to your unresponded needs.